James Finlay Kenya Wins National Health and Safety Awards

James Finlay Kenya has been named the overall winner in Occupational Safety and Health Practice at the National Annual Occupational Safety and Health Awards

We are delighted to announce that James Finlay Kenya has won three awards at this year’s National Annual Occupational Safety and Health Awards Competition, organised by Kenya’s Ministry of Labour through the Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services.

James Finlay Kenya was awarded in the following categories:

  1. James Finlay (Kenya) Limited – Overall Winner in Occupational Safety and Health Practice – All Sectors
  2. Chemasingi Estate – 1st Position for the best in Occupational Safety and Health practice – Agricultural Sector.
  3. Kymulot Factory- 2nd Runners Up Position in Occupational Safety and Health Practice – Agriculture Sector.

The National Annual Occupational Safety and Health Awards Competition takes place annually on 28 April which is World Health and Safety Day. Workplaces are invited to take part by The Directorate of Occupational Safety and Health Services (DOSHS) and the awards are given across sectors such as Agriculture, Manufacturing, Construction, Health and the Service sectors.

Interested workplaces must complete an application form as well as a Self-Assessment Questionnaire, which are then submitted to DOSHS for review. Following that, DOSHS officers visit participating workplaces to conduct an unannounced audit to check and verify the workplace’s Safety and Health standards, including best practices that the company has put in place to promote the safety and health of their employees.

The celebration of the World Day for Safety & Health marks an awareness raising campaign period aimed at drawing international attention to the magnitude of occupational safety and health issues, as well as how promoting and creating a culture of safety and health can reduce the number of work-related diseases and injuries.

“I’d like to congratulate James Finlay Kenya on its overall victory in this year’s National Annual Occupational Safety and Health Awards Competition. This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to making Finlays a safe and healthy place to live and work,” says Simeon Hutchinson, Managing Director of James Finlay Kenya.

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